Humphrey HFA II 745i - The precision perimeter meter
Diagnostic precision is enhanced by features such as STATPAC 2, which offers single- and multi-field analysis, as well as STATPAC for blue and yellow. These features compare results with proprietary age-standard and glaucoma databases, establishing the language of perimetry.
The Zeiss 745i perimeter offers enhanced reliability with patented fixation monitoring, including Krakau blind spot monitoring, eye video monitor, gaze tracking and remote eye video monitoring capability. Social Security, monocular, binocular and customized testing are standard features of the Zeiss Humphrey 745i, while kinetic testing is an option, offering the widest range of testing protocols on any perimeter.
Early glaucoma detection is facilitated by SITA-SWAP software, reducing blue-yellow threshold test time to just 4-6 minutes, offering a clinically practical tool for early glaucoma detection.
Operator- and patient-friendly, the Zeiss 745i features a touch screen with on-screen menus to simplify and speed up instrument operation. Wheelchair-accessible with an ergonomic design for maximum comfort, this perimeter adapts to all types of patient.
This device features network software that automates visual analysis by connecting directly to your office information system. The touch-sensitive, menu-driven interface simplifies operation, while the ergonomic design maximizes comfort, access and versatility.
For advanced analysis, Zeiss Humphrey GPA Glaucoma Progression Analysis software automatically identifies clinically significant progress, while pattern deviation plots identify localized field loss typical of glaucoma, minimizing the effects of ocular media such as cataracts.