The EZ-200 - Simultaneous Lens Measurement
Thanks to its features, this instrument offers a quick, precise, and automated solution for optical professionals. Simply place the glasses in the lensmeter, and the unique holding pins will keep the lenses in place during measurement. No additional alignment is needed.
Press the measurement button, and the EZ-200 will automatically provide the world's first simultaneous measurement of left and right lenses. Single-vision lenses (both right and left) are measured in just 5 seconds, while progressive lenses take only 10 seconds. Measurement results are automatically displayed on the screen, from lens detection to data printing, all fully automated.
This device utilizes a Hartmann Shack sensor. With this technology, the entire lens area can be scanned at once, providing a faster and more efficient method compared to manual alignment with a conventional lensmeter. Automatic detection over a wider measurement area reduces the risk of missed measurement points and ensures reproducible measurements regardless of the operator's skills.
Data reading is simplified with a color LCD screen. Lens specifications are automatically displayed based on the characteristics of the measured lenses, whether single-vision or progressive. For progressive lenses, a color chart displays the far and near vision zones, making interpretation easier.