Air-Shields® TI500 Globe-Trotter™ Neonatal Transport System from Dräger: Safety, Comfort, and Innovation for Neonatal Transport
The Air-Shields® TI500 Globe-Trotter™ Neonatal Transport System from Dräger represents a high-tech solution for transporting neonates requiring intensive care. Combining innovation and safety, this system is designed to maintain a thermally neutral environment, which is essential for stabilizing the temperature of infants during transport. It is specifically designed for neonatal units, offering a range of features tailored to the critical needs of fragile newborns.
The Air-Shields® TI500 Globe-Trotter™ is equipped with integrated ventilatory support, allowing for respiratory assistance to infants requiring respiratory care. The system can be configured with ventilators and oxygen analyzers based on the specific needs of each patient. This flexibility enables healthcare professionals to quickly adapt the system to the clinical demands of each transport.
The system’s main controls, such as ventilator settings and gas gauges, are mounted at the front for enhanced visibility and quick access. This allows doctors and nurses to interact with the vital systems rapidly while ensuring maximum safety during transport.
The gas tanks needed for transport are integrated into the chassis of the system, beneath the incubator. This setup reduces the need for external equipment while ensuring that medical gases (oxygen, compressed air) are available throughout the transport. Regulators, connectors, and flowmeters are all integrated into the system, eliminating the need for external tubing.
One of the unique features of the Air-Shields® TI500 Globe-Trotter™ is the option for an integrated medical air compressor. This option eliminates the need to transport external compressed air tanks, providing greater autonomy and simplified equipment management during transport. It allows for the delivery of medical-grade air, removing the need for external gas refills.
The system is designed to offer a range of features that support the wellbeing and safety of neonates. These include vital signs monitoring equipment, which allows healthcare professionals to continuously track the infant’s condition, and strain relief blocks to prevent accidental extubation.
The Air-Shields® TI500 Globe-Trotter™ has the ability to recharge auxiliary support equipment batteries, ensuring that the equipment remains functional throughout the transport.