Optovue Solix Essential - state-of-the-art imaging
This device transcends conventional boundaries, providing comprehensive coverage of the cornea, retina and choroid. This innovative technology takes advantage of high-speed Spectral Domain OCT, setting new standards in patient diagnosis and follow-up.
The Solix Essential OCT performs in retinal imaging with state-of-the-art HD scans, guaranteeing optimal resolution and precise treatment alignment. Thanks to high-density scans monitored with SSADA (Swept-Source Angiography) and MCT (Motion Corrected Technology) featuring vessel-by-vessel treatment alignment, healthcare professionals have a high-end platform capable of detecting changes with exceptional precision.
For glaucoma screening, Solix Essential integrates advanced features such as DualTrac, SSADA, MCT and AI segmentation, offering a comprehensive, sophisticated system for early detection and follow-up of this pathology.
In the anterior segment, the Solix Essential OCT expands its field of application by exploring pathologies such as keratoconus and dry eye. Pachymetry, epithelial thickness mapping and En Face 3D imaging enable in-depth research throughout the anterior segment.
The iWellness and AngioWellness protocols are revolutionizing the diagnostic approach, offering new perspectives for patients with retinal and diabetic pathologies, as well as for those with suspected glaucoma. FAZ (Foveal Avascular Zone) analysis detects early indicators of diabetes-related changes.