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Straight Scissors Deaver droit 14cm - New

The 14 cm straight Deaver surgical scissors are an extremely versatile general surgical instrument used for precise dissections, whether sharp or blunt, during various surgical procedures. These scissors play a crucial role in the meticulous manipulation of tissues during surgical procedures.


Deaver Operating Scissors: Precision and Versatility in General Surgery

The Deaver Operating Scissor stands out as a versatile general surgical instrument, playing a pivotal role in sharp and blunt dissection during various surgical procedures. This instrument offers a range of features to cater to the diverse dissection needs of surgeons.

Dual Sharp/Blunt Tips for Variable Dissection Needs: The scissor is equipped with dual tips, allowing surgeons to switch between sharp and blunt dissection as needed during surgical procedures.

Angled Tips for Deeper Access: The angled tips of the Deaver Operating Scissor enhance accessibility, enabling surgeons to reach deeper areas with precision.

Blunt Tips to Minimize Soft Tissue Damage: The blunt tips are designed to minimize damage to soft tissues, ensuring a delicate approach during dissection.

Ergonomically Designed Ring Handles: The scissor features ergonomically designed ring handles with a box lock, providing a secure and accurate grasp of tissues. This design enhances the comfort and control for surgeons during procedures.

The Deaver Operating Scissor is available in both curved and straight varieties, allowing surgeons to choose the most suitable option for improved leverage during dissection and deeper access to specific anatomical areas.


    • Dissection Précise : Les ciseaux chirurgicaux Deaver droits de 14 cm sont spécialement conçus pour des dissections précises, garantissant une manipulation minutieuse des tissus pendant les interventions chirurgicales.
    • Polyvalence Extrême : Ces ciseaux offrent une polyvalence exceptionnelle, permettant aussi bien des dissections tranchantes que des dissections émoussées au cours de diverses procédures chirurgicales.
    • Manipulation Confortable : Dotés d'une conception ergonomique, ces ciseaux sont équipés de poignées ergonomiques qui assurent une prise en main confortable, favorisant le contrôle optimal lors des interventions chirurgicales.
    • Construction Robuste : Fabriqués en acier inoxydable de haute qualité, ces ciseaux garantissent une durabilité exceptionnelle, répondant aux exigences rigoureuses des pratiques chirurgicales.
    • Stérilisation et Réutilisation : Ces ciseaux peuvent être stérilisés, assurant une utilisation hygiénique, et sont conçus pour être réutilisés, offrant ainsi une solution économique et écologique dans le domaine médical.

Technical Details

Length: 140 mm


Stainless Steel

Compatible Accessories



Servicing and Logistics

Remma and its partners provide you with serviced and configured equipment tailored to your needs. Receive your product at your facility with standard or express delivery, and an installation option, all through a single point of contact.


Our 12/24-month warranty ensures the safety and reliability of your medical equipment throughout its lifespan.

Flexible Financing

Settle your medical equipment in up to 36 installments with our financing service or pay after delivery with Remma Facility.