The Zeiss Visante Tomograph - Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) System
This device is designed to provide essential information about the anterior segment of the eye. It uses non-contact technology to capture images of exceptional sharpness and precise corneal biometry, including details about its shape and angle, without requiring eye baths or ocular anesthesia.
This system offers a versatile solution for various medical applications, including excimer laser surgery, corneal transplants, pre- and post-operative glaucoma care, and phacoemulsification cataract surgery. With its clear and detailed images, the Visante OCT provides valuable information for planning and monitoring surgical procedures.
The exceptional design of the Visante OCT system inspires great confidence among healthcare professionals. It is user-friendly, efficient, and capable of capturing detailed images of the anterior chamber of the eye without requiring ocular anesthesia. Additionally, it provides reliable results and practical tools for measuring various eye structures, including anterior chamber depth, anterior chamber angles, and anterior chamber diameter.
This system also offers high-resolution corneal imaging and rapid, precise pachymetry, making it an indispensable tool for ophthalmic care, especially in glaucoma management. It even allows for capturing unprecedented information for patients who have undergone LASIK surgery, such as corneal flap thickness and residual stromal thickness.